Church Building |
| God is good,all the time,all the time, God is good.Pastor Rayne D. Usen in wishing you all a new beginning this year Ref to Gen.28:16.that says "Surely the Lord is in this place,and I did not know it".The Lord shall be with you in all areas of your life this year.We invite you to visit The christian faith gospel church,Norway,a church of anointing and life direction for humanity and a vision for the youth,a church of signs and wonders where healing and the manifestation of the power of God take place.As you make up your mind this coming year to visit us or be a partner,God will make you an overcomer,the Lord will visit you in a special way and as never before.Remain blessed in Jesus`Name,Amen.
Jesus christ is the same yesterday,today and forever.Heb 13:8 |
God Has Not Promised To keep Us From Life`s Storms,But to Keep Us Through Them. Faith Sees Things That Are Out Of Sight.