Some leaders have suggested that as many as 7000 people leave the established church in Europe every week. Most Europeans do not consider church attendance as part of their weekly routine. But most European householders own at least one television, and the vast majority also have access to the radio and the Internet.
Our Christian Magazine is committed to speak where people listen, and we have a growing commitment to providing comment in News letter.
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Publications We have monthly magazine to help for the growth of the church ,we have been writing this for some times now and it help a lot ,for the People that live togather in our city. You need to order,read it, be blessed and be a blessing.
Topic:Pressed Close to GOD.
Sometimes,the vine that grow up at the side of the ork trees cling to them during the fiercest storms.Although the wind beats upon them,the tendrils hold tightly to the tree`s bark.If the vine is on the side opposite the wind,the great Oak is its protection.If it`s on the exposed side,the wind presses the vine more closely to it. As christian,we are sometimes sheltered by God, while other times He allows us to be exposed so we will be pressed more closely to Him. After years of faithfulness,some christians suddenly find themselves greatly tested and in deep distress without reason.They are subjected to terrific battles with doubts,fears and unbelief. Doesn`t God care how much they are suffering ? Of course He does.But He has a special purpose in withholding immediate relief. When God spoke to satan about job,He described him as "blameless and upright" one who "hold fast to his integrity"(job 1:8;2:3). God knew He could trust job to cling to Him no matter what. Job`s persevering faith in the midst of overwhelming trials would refute satan`s argument that he serve God only because God blessed him. The Lord may have a similar purpose in your trial.Remember job`s example.Hold fast to God. Though trials come,though fears assail,through tests scarce understood, one truth shines clear-it cannot fail,My God is right and good.Our afflictions are designed not to break us but to bend us toward God.
Remain Blessed.
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