What We Believe:
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.IITimothy 3: 16-17.
There is one God,eternally co-existent in three persons.1 John 5:7.
The Being and Unity of God: John 4:24, John 14:11, John 10:30.
The Creation of the Heaven, the Earth and Man.Gen1:1,Gen: 1:26-27,Gen:2:7
The Fall of Man: Gen.2:8-25,Gen.3:1-24,Ezekiel 18:4,Romans.3:23,Romans.5:19,Romans.6:23,I John 3:8.
Salvation of sinners:John 3:16-17, 1 John 1:9, Acts 3:19,Acts 4:10-12, Romans 10:9-10,Eph. 2:8, Is.55:7.
Stardard of Salvation:Matthew 6:33,Mark 16:17-18,Acts 2:4,Romans 12:1-2,Hebrews 12:14,Matthew 5:48.
The Right purpose of Man :Romans 12:1, 1 corinthians 10:31, Ephesians 2:10
Water Baptism: Luke 24:46-48,Matthew 3:13-17,Acts 2:38,Romans 6:4-5, Colossians ":12-14, Colossians 4:!0-12,acts 8:14-17, Acts 19:1-6.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Acts 2:4,Acts 10:44-46,Acts 19:1-7.
The Holy Ghost: Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:1-7, 1 cor. 12:1,7,10,28,31. John 14:26.
Holiness: Hebrews 12:14,1 peter 1:18,1 peter 2:9 Proverbs 16:18
Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4-5,Matthew 8:14-17,1 peter 2:24.
The virgin Birth:Matthew 1:23-24, Luke 1:26-33.
The Communion:1 corinthians 11:23-26
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ:1 Thessalonians 4.16-18,Hebrews 9:28.
Regeneration by the Holy Spirit: John 3:5-8,Titus 3 : 5.
Resurrection to Everlasting life and Everlasting Damnation Rev. 20:5-6,11-15.
The Ministry:Matthew 28:19,Mark 16:14-18,Eph.5:23-25,1 Timothy 2:11-12.
The Sonship and Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God,the heavenly Father.He was conceived and born of the virgin Mary.Jesus Christ was crucified,buried and raised from the dead on the third day.His deity,His sinless life,His death,His bodily resurrection and ascension was necessary to fulfill God`s total plan of Salvation for the redemption of sinners.John 3:16,Matthew 1:23-25,Luke 1:26-33,Acts 1:9-11,Matthew 26,27,28.